Senior Thesis: Make a Lisp

In my senior year of high school, I learned the Clojure programming language, implemented a Lisp interpreter, and gave a presentation about the language.
This was created for my English 12 Senior Thesis project. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to study Clojure and compiler implementation, both of which I had wanted to learn for a while. I have shared these materials in the hopes that it will inspire someone else to learn Clojure and become invested in Lisp and programming language theory. These materials provide a solid plan for studying these topics, including a timetable and a massive amount of literature to read on the subject, most importantly the book Clojure for the Brave and True. Additionally, the presentation I prepared at the end provides a summary of the topics and can serve as a good starting point to understand the basics of the topics before delving in.
If you are interested in learning about how Lisp and programming languages work and how simple it is to make your own, I highly recommend looking at these resources.


You can find all of the materials I prepared for this senior thesis project below. Click on the pages to open up their PDFs.

Proposal Writeup

Senior Thesis Proposal

Proposal Presentation

Senior Thesis Proposal Presentation

Clojure for the Brave and True Code and Notes

Clojure for the Brave and True Review and Report

Senior Thesis _Clojure for the Brave and True_ Review and Report

Lisp GitHub Repository

Progress Log

Senior Thesis Progress Log

Annotated Bibliography

Senior Thesis Annotated Bibliography

Final Presentation


Senior Thesis Reflection